Forced Entry into Multiple Vehicles in Creedmoor
August 5, 2021

Breaking & Entering to Motor Vehicle and Larceny Oxford NC
August 11, 2021Granville County Crimestoppers: Granville County Crimestoppers held their 3rd Annual Crimestoppers fundraiser Golf Tournament on Thursday, May, 20, 2021 at the South Granville Country Club in Creedmoor, NC. There were 10 corporate sponsors, 68 hole sponsors and 22 teams. It was a Captain’s Choice format with mulligan and hole buster packages available for purchase. Each golfer was provided giveaways and a photo card of their foursome. Lunch was provided by Tom Lane, former mayor of Butner, and current town councilman and member of Crimestoppers. Thanks to South Granville Country Club for providing a nicely prepared course, to Coca-Cola for providing the drinks, to Farm Bureau of Creedmoor and Maria Parham Hospital of Henderson for providing giveaways, and to Mayor Bobby Wheeler (Creedmoor Drug), chairman of the Golf Committee, and all the other Crimestopper members who worked to make this event a success..
The prizes were awarded to the top three teams:
- 1st Place-Butner Public Safety
- 2nd Place-Lost as a Ball in High Grass Team (Jimmy Barrier Team)
- 3rd Place-WHW #1 Team
Thanks to the Corporate Sponsors; Bridgestone/Bandag, Granville Health System, Maria Parham Medical Center, Masonic Home for Children, Carolina Sunrock, Tabbs Creek Animal Hospital, Creedmoor Drug, Cozart and Edwards, Bill & Christy Wynn, Oxford Police Department and to all of the hole sponsors and golfers for making it the most successful tournament to date.
We raised over $17,000 to assist Crimestoppers in providing anonymous rewards for tips leading to arrests, providing promotional material, recognizing law enforcement through our annual Crimestoppers Banquet and law enforcement awards (October 26, 2021 @ 6:30 pm at Providence Baptist Church), and various other events throughout the year.
Our 4th annual Granville County Crimestoppers Golf tournament will be held on May 19, 2022 at the South Granville Country Club. You may obtain a corporate sponsorship form or a team registration form at our website granvillecountynccrimestoppers.org.
Sponsorship-Team Registration Form-2022
Team Pictures:

1st Place-Butner Public Safety Team

2nd Place-Lost as a Ball in High Grass Team (Jimmy Barrier Team)

3rd Place-WHW #1 Team: